In May, I visited the University of Salamanca, a public university in Salamanca, Spain founded in 1218. It is the oldest university in the Hispanic world and one of the oldest universities in the world in continuous operation. Many international students study abroad at the University of Salamanca to learn Spanish. The university attracts more than 2000 students a year to its Spanish courses for non-native speakers.
Seven College Safety Concerns
If you are concerned about campus safety, what should you know or ask? Most colleges will tell you about their “blue light” system, their security staff, how they keep out people who don’t belong in your student’s dorm, and their campus-wide alert system. Here are seven other safety concerns to consider:
- Does the college allow concealed carry of firearms?
- Is the college being investigated by the government under Title IX for their inappropriate handling of sexual assault on campus?
- Does the campus rely on its own campus police or outside local police?
- What are the crime statistics at the college?
- Does the college have a cross-functional threat assessment team? This team assesses whether individuals on campus are dangerous to themselves and others and makes recommendations to address the issue.
- Does the college have a speedy evacuation plan in the case of natural disaster or terrorism, while your student studies abroad?
- Are students prepared for possible security issues before they study or intern abroad?