La Salle University

La Salle University is a Catholic collegei Philadelphia.  A new 78,000 square foot business building will be opening in January on the 133 acre campus
The top five majors at LaSalle University are accounting, nursing, communications, education, and psychology.  
The business school provides students an opportunity to get a Bachelor’s degree in four years, while having 2 co-op experiences or to get a Bachelor’s degree and an MBA in four years.
With 3400 students, La Salle is the smallest of the Big 5 Philadelphia colleges that play Division I basketball against each other.  
La Salle’s mission focuses on practical education and serving others.  Their students live that mission by providing over 50,000 hours of service every year,
The Summit Program at La Salle, admits about 130 students with good grades, who don’t test well.  The school provides these students with intrusive counseling and help to improve their study skills.
La Salle is diverse in many ways.  About half of the students are first-generation college students. Students come from 35 countries, and thirty per cent of students are from a minority group.  La Salle is accepting of students who are not Catholic.  
Tuition and room and board cost about $54K per year and the average financial aid package is $22K/year.  There is a $10K stackable service scholarship.
La Salle is more concerned with high school grades than test scores.  Typically, they look for students with a 3.3 – 3.4 GPA.  Nursing students need a higher GPA, lots of science in high school, and a score of at least 1000 on the Critical Reading and Math sections of the SAT.  With a lower SAT score, the students might be admitted to pre-nursing.
What is your experience with La Salle?