Misericordia University is a private Catholic university in Dallas, PA with values of mercy, service, justice and hospitality. It has a lush green campus on 123 acres, approximately 10 miles from Wilkes-Barre, PA. The school has about 2000 undergraduates with almost half pursuing degrees in Allied Health, including direct admittance into programs for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician’s Assistant and Speech Pathology. Collaborative work is encouraged.
Ninety-one per cent of freshmen and 50% of the undergrads live on campus. The freshmen dorms have boys on one wing of the floor and the girls in the other wing with communal single-gender bathrooms. For upper-classmen, there are boys’ suites with their own bathroom next to girls’ suites with their own bathroom.
About fifty percent of the student body is Catholic and two courses in religion are part of the Core curriculum. These do not have to be courses in Catholicism.
The school has rolling admissions. The grades and SAT scores required for admission vary by major. In general, students had an average high school GPA of 2.7 and an average SAT score of 850 (Critical Reading and Math). Students admitted to the Nursing or Allied Health majors had higher grades and test scores (i.e., Nursing – 2.8 GPA and an SAT score of 960; Allied Health majors – GPA of 3.0 or higher and an SAT score greater than 1050). If you want to learn more about the school consider attending the overnight stay program. There are also 2 – 3 day camps for a small fee to get more of a flavor of different majors. In addition to need-based aid, the school has academic and extracurricular scholarships.
Misericordia has the Alternative Learners Project, a special program for 15-20 students with Learning Differences and/or ADHD, for an additional fee.
The university has a Guaranteed Placement Program, which guarantees a job offer or enrollment in graduate school within 6 months after graduation, if you meet the requirements of the program which include maintaining a GPA of at least 3.0, completing an internship or approved work experience, and conducting an active job search. If you don’t get a job in your field, the school will guarantee you a 3-month paid internship in your field.