NJIT is on 45 acres, a few square blocks, in the University Heights section of Newark, NJ. There is a light rail station next to campus which goes to Newark Penn Station. There is a limited amount of green space on campus.
NJIT is the only NJ state college with an architecture program. It is also strong in engineering and the sciences. The college has an Honors college that offers enrichment, a significant scholarship, its own housing floor, and its own space on campus. There is an engineering class that Freshman can take to help them decide on an engineering major. Clubs that have to do with your major and internships (e.g., with at&t or PSE&G) are popular.
Housing is limited and there are many commuters. Students who want housing seem to get it. Freshmen have a choice between long hall building with the bathroom in the hall or a building with 2 room suites with a private bathroom for each suite. There is an Electrical Engineering floor and an Honors floor. Upper classmen can live in those buildings or in apartment style buildings. There seems to be a strong safety focus on campus. I wouldn’t want to stray far from campus alone after dark.
I think a NJ student who wants to study science, engineering, or architecture but wants a school smaller than Rutgers with a multi-ethnic group, doesn’t mind that the school is only one quarter female, and is not too interested in social life would be happy here. A student we met in the dorm said he went to class, studied, ate and slept.
Check out my business Facebook page for additional photos of NJIT. If you are an NJIT student, add your comments to this blog.